Customs and Duty (South Africa)

Red or Green Channel?

After reporting to Immigration, collect your baggage and then proceed to the Customs red or green channel.
The following Customs channels must be followed, depending on your circumstances:

  • If you have in your possession any prohibited/restricted goods and/or goods which fall outside your duty-free allowance, or if you are unsure whether any goods in your possession fall within these categories, please proceed to the Red Channel
  • If you have something to declare, your passport is scanned and you make a verbal declaration, which is captured on the system by a Customs officer. This information forms the basis of a Traveller Declaration form (TRD1). The TRD1 will also be used as a Temporary Import Permit (TIP) and Temporary Export Permit (TXP). If you are happy with the information on the TRD1, you will be asked to sign on an electronic signature pad and your signature will be captured on the system. The signed TRD1 is then printed and given to you
  • If the goods in your possession fall within your duty-free allowance (i.e., R5 000), you do not have any prohibited or restricted goods in your possession, you are not in possession of any commercial goods (imported for trade purposes) and you are not in possession of gifts, carried on behalf of others, proceed to the Green Channel, unless instructed otherwise by a Customs official

You may be stopped, questioned, or searched by a Customs officer at any time in the red or green channel.

Prohibited Goods

The importation of the following goods into South Africa is strictly prohibited:

  • Narcotic and habit-forming drugs in any form
  • Fully automatic, military, and unnumbered weapons
  • Explosives and fireworks
  • Poison and other toxic substances
  • Cigarettes with a mass of more than 2kg per 1 000
  • Goods to which a trade description or trademark is applied in contravention of any Act (for example, counterfeit goods)
  • Unlawful reproductions of any works subject to copyright
  • Penitentiary or prison-made goods

Restricted Goods

Certain goods may only be imported if you are in possession of the necessary authority / permit. Examples are:

  • Firearms / weapons
  • Gold coins
  • Unprocessed minerals (e.g., gold, diamonds, etc.)
  • Animals, plants, and their products (e.g., animal skins, dairy products, honey)
  • Medicine (excluding sufficient quantities for three months for own personal treatment accompanied by a letter or certified prescription from a registered physician)
  • Herbal products (Department of Health permit required)

Duty-free Allowances

Goods falling within the following allowances may be brought in without the payment of customs duty and VAT as accompanied baggage:

  • No more than 200 cigarettes and 20 cigars per person
  • No more than 250g of cigarette or pipe tobacco per person
  • No more than 50ml perfume and 250ml eau de toilette per person
  • No more than 2 litres of wine per person
  • No more than 1 litre in total of other alcoholic beverages per person
  • In addition to personal effects and the above consumable allowances, travellers are allowed new or used goods in accompanied baggage to the value of R5 000

Flat-rate Assessment

  • Over and above the duty-free allowance, you may choose to pay Customs duty at a flat rate of 20% on goods which you acquired abroad or in any duty-free shop.
  • The total value of these additional goods, new or used, may not exceed R20 000 per person. Flat-rate goods are also exempted from payment of VAT.
  • Should the value of the additional goods in question exceed R20 000, or should you decide not to make use of this facility, the flat-rate assessment falls away and the appropriate rates of duty and VAT must be assessed and paid on each individual item. It should be kept in mind that in certain cases goods may be liable to rates of customs duty in excess of 20%; others could be subject to lower rates, while some goods may be free of duty. In addition, 15% value-added tax will be payable on goods assessed by tariff.
  • It must, however, be noted that the application of this provision is subject to the total value of goods declared under the entire rebate item not exceeding R25 000. In other words, all consumables, the duty-free allowance of R5 000 and the items to be assessed on the flat rate must in value not exceed R25 000.


  • Currency brought into or taken from South Africa is monitored by law. Should you have South African currency exceeding R25 000 or foreign currency exceeding $10 000 (or equivalent), this must be declared.
  • Payments.
  • Customs duties and taxes are payable in South African Rand. Payment can be made in cash, by credit card or by means of traveller’s cheques.
  • Should you have any questions or doubt about the amount of duty/tax paid or payable, or any other matter about your dealings with a Customs official, you should take the matter up with the senior Customs officer in charge. The receipt you obtained from Customs must be given to the officer dealing with your enquiry.